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  •   7 June 2021

How Does Electronic Rodent Monitoring Works and what are its Benefits?

Rodent control has always been an issue across the globe and Singapore is no exception to that. It is one of the countries that face significant rodent infestation cases. While people previously used to resort to home remedies or DIY tips, they are gradually beginning to seek help from professional pest control solution providers.

However, with constant evolution of technology and advancement in every sector, the pest management sector has also embraced technology and is reaping immense benefits. These days you can find electronic rodent monitoring system for getting a hold of the pests. But the pertinent question is how the electronic monitoring system works for rodent control. Let’s explore.

Electronic rodent monitoring such as RATSENSE is built upon a system infrastructure which uses the latest telecommunication standards called LPWAN, such as SIGFOX, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT and CAT-M1. You can also judge their performance on the basis of a few key performance indicators such as:

• Setting a benchmark for the level of rodent activity within the building.
• Identifying rodent sources and points of entry, supported by the ongoing rectification work.
• Automated prompts to the pest control service provider with the data accessible to the facilities management as well.
• RATSENSE enables tenant management by identifying which units have rodent breeding and activity within the units.

The RATSENSE network consists of various elements which include sensors, connectivity, middle ware, cloud server, and platform. You can find various system components as a part of the system architecture of RATSENSE. Here’s a look:

• Sensors
– They are built upon well established infrared technology.
– They have a lens which allows for a conical field of perspective.
– It enables a wide radius for each sensor and helps in determining the direction.

– It operates at low cost and offers greater power efficiency as compared to traditional WiFi networks.
– Encrypted data to protect asset information.

• User Interface
– Each client (user) is given a unique login name and password which is accessible via a weblink.
– Simple-to-understand trending information is provided for immediate analytics.

How can you benefit from RATSENSE?

•RATSENSE has developed a system for rodent control which maximises the use of each sensor based on the knowledge of the entry / exit, pathways and nesting of rodents.

•They have come up with data analytics for showcasing the factors that impact rodent behaviour. It enables the creation of data reports for complementing the rodent management program being run at your premises.

•At present, the data can be exported easily to fit each company’s reporting system. The next iteration will consist of standard metrics for rodent tracking within the system. It will save the users from toggling between different programs.

•Right now you can already benefit from the real time information and the next thing to benefit from will be real time predictions.

Rodent infestation has always been a matter of concern for people in Singapore but with the advent of technology in pest management, the definition of effective rodent control is changing. Pest management can reach new milestones and efficiency with the help of an electronic rodent monitoring system.
Explore the web for more information on the benefits of choosing the electronic rodent monitoring system.