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  •   7 June 2021

Pest Control Companies Going Smart and Digital in Singapore

Hiring a certified and professional pest control company has a lot of benefits as compared to trying to get rid of tiny pests like rodents, spiders, cockroaches, or termites on your own. Trained technicians understand the importance of handling infestations and can lay out various plans to conduct the rodent and pest control regime. If you are trying to protect your new home or treat an old house, it is recommended to call a pest control company for help. Pest control companies are getting smarter at handling these pests as they are using smart rodent systems to monitor their activities, find their burrows, destroy them, and restrict their access to homes.

How pest control methods are adopting a digital approach?

The digital system enables the technicians to monitor multiple traps, keep a record of rodent activity and store their details in a database online to make it easy to access even on mobile devices. This helps to avoid constantly checking the traps to see if there is a rodent caught or not.

Many pest control companies are using digital systems to save time, cost and manpower. They can now retrieve records and plan better rodent control strategies based on the data they have collected using rodent sensors and monitoring devices. The manual records of pest control operations can be inaccurate, and technicians often face difficulty in tracking/assessing them. Rodent control needs immediate attention; thus, your property must be monitored for any signs of infestation and should start treatment in a timely manner to avoid it becoming too serious and too late to eliminate.

How going digital is impacting the pest control world?

Adapting the digital approach has enabled many pest control firms to work together in troubleshooting the problems of rodents, share their knowledge, and analyze the data recorded for better performance. The motion sensor has a camera, using  infrared technology to identify their positions, movements and activities. Rodents are more active at night and that makes it difficult to track their movements. Going digital is the perfect solution for this problem.

Pest control companies are using technology to be more efficient and to change layman perception of how the industry operates. Pest control is not just about spraying or fogging anymore. Technology will show detailed investigatory reports, give problem-solving solutions, and report the nature of the work done to keep the end user informed about the actions taken / performed.

With end users becoming more aware of these digital ways to report rodent activities, pest control companies find it easy to handle rodent activities more effectively and efficiently. These devices have sensors and video analytics to identify the locations that serve as the entry points for these rodents. This information allows pest control companies to intercept better and they can send the details about the monitored rodent movements on end user’s mobile devices.

Looking at the latest figures almost 19,000 rat burrows are detected in public areas in 2019, which is proportionally more than as compared to the last 3 years. It is that more needs to be done, and better methods need to be adopted, like the electronic rodent monitoring. This smart rodent surveillance will immediately notify when a rodent is sighted. This is avoiding the need of having weekly inspections and detailed manual work.

Keep reading the blogs on RATSENSE’s website to know more about the advancements in the  rodent management industry and how it is adopting newer technologies to make rodent control better and easier for end users.